No 1. eMail subscriber engagement. Quick-fix email blasts are replaced by more measured nurturing approaches – The Brand as Thought Leader. 60% plan to increase emarketing spend.
No 2. eMail list segmentation. 44% of marketers plan to develop more targeted databases. 32% plan to offer more opt-in services. “What does my customer truly consider valuable? “
No 3. Social media budgets increase by 54%. Surprising that this is not higher, but then again not every product is a perfect fit for social media.
No 4. Mobile and search spend up 37%.
… and the losers? The only losers in the budget spend seems to be Direct Mail [down 28%] and Tradeshows and Event spending [down 23%]. *ref 2012 Marketing Trends Survey. strongmail.com. Survey did not include traditional media.
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